Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Top 10 Reasons to Learn Cooking 


תוצאת תמונה עבור ‪start cooking‬‏

Hey everyone :)

In this post you will find great reasons to start cooking and enjoy healthy meals. Use your imagination and creativity and start cooking...

10. It makes us more sociable

We being social animals like to mingle up with others, share our thoughts, issues and ideas. Food is an evergreen topic and sometimes this brings life to those who barely talks. We tend to share the recipes of the cuisines we bring in our lunch. People who don’t know about cooking feels isolated among such gossip mongers.

9. It boosts our confidence

If we know how to cook, no matter how often, we feel a sense of accomplishment. The feeling becomes even stronger when someone appreciates our culinary skills. The beautiful aroma entering our nose while cooking as a result of long working hours contributes to it too.

8. Cooking fosters creativity

Cooking arena has full scope to embrace the challenges and discover recipes in the form of vivid flavors, ingredients, recipes, techniques, spices etc. After successfully combining the flavors, recipes and ingredients to create an exotic delicacy, it also brings us the opportunity to learn from every past experience and make our future endeavors better.

7. Cooking is a stress buster

Undoubtedly, cooking disengages our mind from our office or  personal problems and keeps it occupied in the kitchen. And if we are foodie, the pleasure that we get after tasting that food is inexplicable. The entire process, right from choosing what to cook to collecting ingredients and preparing the final dish can be a lot of fun.

6. Food Shows and Competitions

There are myriad food shows and competitions held across the world where people coming from different corners present their culinary arts and make money. To name a few, Thomas Keller, Sanjeev Kapoor, Kunal Kapur are some of popular chefs who have earned name and fame by hosting various food shows and competitions.

5. Inculcates qualities like to be self-dependent

It eliminates the dependency on others to satisfy our appetite. There are thousands of situations where we have to fend for ourselves such as in the absence of a lady or a cook in the house. The best part of cooking is that one can satisfy his cravings anytime anywhere without depending on other.

4. Effective way to impress others

In this era where people are becoming versatile, who does not want to impress others by showing their hands on cooking?  There is a famous proverb that the way to man’s heart is through his stomach! No matter how beautiful or smart a girl is, guys always melt for a girl who can whip up delicacies, especially in India. Similar is the case with females, guys with culinary skills have higher chances at impressing a girl than those who are devoid of it.

3. Food as profession

In recent decades, the number of hotels, restaurants has seen a remarkable rise. People in great number have now started choosing food as career. There is no denial from the fact that the establishment of food chains like Pizza Hut, KFC, and McDonald etc has provided employment opportunities to a huge chunk of mass.

2. Cooking as money saver

One cannot turn away his face from the increasing inflation these days. We can very well witness the hike even in daily household items. To survive in such environment, one has to either arrange for a second earning or cut short his consumption and increase the savings. When we plan to dine out in a restaurant or order food from somewhere, we not only pay for the ingredients involved but also pay for the processing, packaging, transportation charges and advertising of that product. So if we know how to cook, we can cherish the scrumptious food at almost half the price paid outside.

1. Assure healthy food

The very important aspect of our life, i.e, health is being ignored in this fast paced life. Whether it is a quality restaurant or a packaged food from a big brand, the hygiene we expect and the composition of ingredient we want is quite hard to achieve. Cooking enables us to keep an eye on our calorie intake and the quantity of spices and preservatives involved. Thus we can customize our food depending on our health requirement. Besides, we can eliminate the risk of food poisoning and gastroenteritis caused due to the intake of junk foods or foods sold in stalls. We can minimize the wastage of a large sum of money in seeking medical aid from our end by assuring fresh ingredients and cooking healthy food.

1 comment:

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