Wednesday, February 8, 2017

10 Simple Steps to Get in Shape

תוצאת תמונה עבור ‪get into shape‬‏

Hey everyone :)

To be in good shape is very important in our days, we need to pay attention to our body and health, work out and eat healthy.. To help you do that I got this list of 10 simple steps that will help you live a better life...

1. Hydrate

Drink plenty of water BEFORE you exercise. Don’t wait to drink fluids after your exercise or when your body tells you its thirsty. Make sure to get a balance of water and electrolytes prior to working out. You may not experience as much soreness. Your muscles will thank you.

2. Warm-up

Go for a ten- to fifteen-minute walk before you jump into your run, soccer scrimmage, or golf game. Walking gets the heart pumping and muscles warm.

3. Mini-workouts

Rather than going full speed, mentally prepare for a shorter workout. Start with a twenty or thirty minute workout instead of your usual sixty or ninety minute routine. You will experience less soreness giving your body the chance to exercise a few days later.

4. Interval Training

If you want to get back to a jogging routine try interval training. After your warm up do a twenty-minute walk:jog using intervals. Run for three minutes, walk for one minute and repeat until you reach twenty minutes. You will have more energy, have gotten your heart rate up, and have burned a little fat. Interval training is a fat-burning workout. You can build up over several weeks (i.e. 4:1; 5:1, etc.) This can also be applied to other workouts using speed intervals, fast:slow, on a bike, elliptical, stair climber, etc.

5. Cool Down

Finish your workout with another ten- to fifteen-minute walk or stretching routine. Now that your muscles are really warm, they appreciate a cool down. Muscles also prefer to be stretched when they are warm, which is why I recommend you stretch AFTER you work out rather than before.

6. Mix it Up

We all tend to stay in our comfort zone, returning to the same routine over and over again. So mix it up. Do the usual routine one day and try something different a couple days later. Providing balance is essential and can help decrease soreness and prevent injuries before they start.

7. Goals

Sometimes we set lofty goals or New Year’s resolutions that we never accomplish. Be realistic. Are you really going to go to the gym five days a week? Those who start out this way tend to fade and may stop going altogether. Start out one or two days a week and maintain that routine for at least a month before adding another day.

8. Exercise as a part of your daily routine

Do you live close to the grocery store, local coffee shop, or eatery? If so, walk or bike. Making exercise a part of your daily routine is easy and can make the whole experience fun rather than stressful, like sitting in your car during rush hour trying to get to the gym.

9. A Day Rest

Make sure to give your body a day’s rest. Your entire system can benefit from a day’s rest between workouts on the weekends. Not to mention, this can prevent burnout.

10. Healthy Eating

Make sure to nourish your body after you exercise with the right fuel. Have a snack that will replenish your muscles. Avoid sugary or processed foods. Eat a snack with protein as muscles thrive on protein-rich foods.

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